Monday, December 8, 2008

KT's Syllabus Project Final 2008

I am doing a syllabus designed for ENC 3310 (article and essay) in which I will be teaching students about digital media and literacy. The two will be co-topics interwoven together as well as separate for readings, assignments, and discussions. The wordle above includes the key terms we will be exploring and which by the end of the semester the students should be able to define and understand (or at least come to some conclusion about them). Assignments will include both reading and composing on-line and in print. Some examples are blogs, digital journal, digital essay, powerpoint, paint, scrap box journal and more. Readings will include some excerpts form books we have read this semester (Jenkins, Bolter and Grusin, the network culture piece) as well as articles specifically targeting litearcy. The goal will be for students to learn that literacy is no longer simply tied to only definitions of reading and writing and that digital media is now a part of how literacy's definition.